Demographics series: How can brands successfully target Gen Zs?

Lucy Brook, Head of B2B Marketing at Ello


Lucy Brook, Head of B2B Marketing at Ello

If you don't have marketing plans that target Generation Z, you need to think again. The group now makes up 32% of the world's total population – it's best you get to know sooner rather than later.

Who are Gen Z? They're anyone born between 1995 and 2015. They're entering the workplace, gaining independence, and starting to splash their cash. Grasping a clear understanding of what Gen Z want from your brand is so important. 


Here are our top tips for tapping into this demographic.


1. Make the most of digital.

Gen Z has grown up in the digital age, so they're very comfortable with tech. In fact, they don't know a world without the internet, with 45% of teens saying they are online 'almost constantly'. 

The evolution of tech has rendered traditional marketing ineffective with Gen Z. They're super sceptical about anything that directly looks or sounds like an advert. Artificial intelligence and behavioural data are two big influences on brand engagement. They guarantee the content they receive is relevant, engaging, and worth their time, which is becoming ever-more precious.

So, your marketing campaigns must mirror this and use data to create meaningful online experiences that hit the mark with your target audience and build a good relationship. Personalised communications, targeted social content, and offering relevant rewards are a few quick wins you could try.


2. Optimise for mobile.

Smartphones are a huge part of Gen Z lives; 95% own a mobile, with 55% spending five or more hours a day on one. Gen Z consumers are also 2x more likely to shop on mobile than Millennials.

This gives your brand a fantastic opportunity to reach Gen Z. You need to take a mobile-first approach and make sure you produce content that's optimised for mobile.


3. Grab Gen Z's attention.

Constant access to technology and 'always on' information means attention spans are getting shorter; shockingly, the average attention span for Gen Z stands at just eight seconds. That leaves very little time to convince Gen Z that your website, email, article, Facebook post, or any other form of communication, is worth their time.

While much has been made of the so-called short attention spans of Gen Z, it's actually more a case of them filtering out the things they don't need. If you can find a topic that grips them, you'll be able to hold their attention for the duration of the communication. This leads us nicely to our next point...


4. Stay on top of trends.

To connect with Gen Z effectively, you've got to stay on top of trends and conversation topics to stay relevant and timely. Try and become a trendsetter in the market; it'll help your brand assert and define its presence. 

You need to keep an eye on the news surrounding your sector and jump at the chance to capitalise on it. For example, during a recent UK heatwave, EasyJet gained huge exposure by inviting UK consumers to hop on one of its planes and "cool down in Faro", which was actually twelve degrees cooler than London at the time.

Jumping on timely events like this, which are very likely to be seen by Gen Z across online channels, helps keep your brand relevant and exposes you to key audiences.


5. Communicate your brand values.

Gen Z is constantly connected. They're extremely aware of society's and the planet's challenges. They look for brands that share the same core principles.

But you've got to be cautious; your brand shouldn't just latch onto societal issues because you feel it has to. Gen Z will see through companies that aren't authentic. You must present your brand with care and integrity. Align it to a greater purpose and actually make a difference to the issues – this will resonate with this socially conscious and always switched-on generation.


Getting to know Gen Z.

Targeting Gen Z is a unique challenge for brands. But, if you take the time to understand their wants and needs, you'll be able to create relevant marketing strategies. With the younger generation set to seriously increase its spending power in the not-too-distant future, now's the time to mix this increasingly important target audience into your brand engagement and experience strategy.


If you're after more info or advice on targeting Gen Z, or you're interested in creating a loyalty and customer experience offering that suits your customers, get in touch today.

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