The challenges of boosting employee engagement.

Pete Syddall, Head Of Sales at Ello


Pete Syddall, Head Of Sales at Ello

Employee engagement is steadily becoming a plus for many organisations across the world. The Harvard Business Review even describes it as “the holy grail of today’s workplace.” 

In modern workspaces, employee engagement genuinely impacts business success. Highly engaged employees are much more likely to be consistently productive and motivated to stay with their current organisation. On the other side, disengaged employees can directly affect your bottom line – the research suggesting that it costs the UK economy a whopping £340bn annually. 2

With such a powerful impact on business performance, it's surprising that many HR and benefits professionals find it tough to execute successful and valuable employee engagement techniques.

So, what are the challenges of increasing employee engagement?

Employee Benefits' 2019 The Benefits Research report found that some of the biggest barriers HR and benefits professionals face when boosting employee engagement are budget limits and time or resource availability. Half of respondents cited their budget (51%), and almost a third stating time or resource (32%), as the primary obstacles. 

These stats aren't surprising as employee engagement opportunities can be quite costly, time-consuming, and very resource reliant. 3

With these powerful obstacles to employee engagement, many HR and benefits pros are searching for a low-cost, easy-to-implement lifestyle benefit that can rocket workplace motivation and production.

How can Ello Group help?

Luckily, this is our field of expertise. Our dining and lifestyle memberships – tastecard, Gourmet Society, Coffee Club, and MyGym – are designed to put a smile on your employees' faces by making their salary go that little bit further. Here's the best bit: our salary deduction scheme means that introducing our benefit can be completely cost-free to your business. With little administrative burden and simple rollout, if you're looking for a low-cost and easy-to-implement way to engage your employees, look no further than the Ello Group.

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